I started a new job back in November and it has been a whirlwind. As part of the transition, I have changed cell phones and added an aircard. In a future piece, I will discuss my new Palm Pre.
My employer offered the option of three mobile data providers: AT&T, Verizon and Sprint. Sprint coverage is not good where I live and so I debated between AT&T and Verizon. I eventually chose AT&T because online articles had suggested that AT&T had the fastest network (excluding VZW’s new LTE which had not been announced at the time) and because AT&T’s GSM technology would work better outside of the US. Both arguments later proved faulty since Verizon offers GSM capable aircards and recently announced high-speed LTE service.
I was excited when my new USB Connect Lightning arrived and was surprised by its large size. However, I was happy to have the service and that the unit arrived just before a trip. The initial configuration was painless although I was slightly disappointed about the weak signal in my house. Signal strength is not great where I live, but my cellphone appeared to handle the situation better. Regardless, I was looking forward to having Internet access wherever I traveled.