Limo Liner

I periodically travel for work and recently had a trip to NYC come up.  The interesting challenge with NYC is that it is one of those trips that is on the edge of travel options.  That is, you could drive, fly, take the train or a bus.  I have tried all of the first 3 options with mixed results, and this time, I decided to try the bus.  I know, you are problem thinking some dumpy gross bus (Fung Wah anyone? :-)).  Nope, I decided to try something completely different and took the Limo Liner. This is like no bus I have ever been on before. It is fully equipped with power jacks in each seat, WiFi, leather seats and a dedicated cellular repeater to ensure continued cell coverage!

I am now cruising to NYC and blogging away.  I have to say that this thing is fantastic!  Much less of a hassle than flying and much more comfortable.  The good news is that it drops you off right in the middle of downtown at the NY Hilton.  I give this a thumbs up and highly recommend it to people looking for a convenient way to get toNYC without the hassle of long airport lines, frequent train stops or driving yourself.

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