Cubicle Warfare

One topic that I sometimes read about but rarely partake in is cube warfare. This is a type of battle that revolves around trying to annoy those in the cubes around you. I find the whole concept quite humerous, but in general avoid participation due to the risk hositility escalation. That said, I do find the occasionaly prank enjoyable although I tend to plan them rather than implement. That said, in my web travels, I have run across a site that has some funny things for cube warfare. Check out Think Geek where you can buy things like remote USB rocket launchers. Most recently, I stumbled on a book called cubicle warfare. From the website, it looks very intriguing and includes 1000 pranks. I am not sure if I am going to run and purchase the book, but it does look funny.

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2 thoughts on “Cubicle Warfare”

  1. Pl buy and post interesting pranks here.

    Do not worry about the copyright protection laws. is safe.

  2. Looked around and found few of the pranks from the book photobucket, so I guess you could post a few images?? I’d just stay way from scans. Site and book look good..probably going to pick this one up, there is a guy down the hall that I call the “NOID”..he bugs!

    Photobucket > Office Prank

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