Cellular Phones

I am a Blackberry addict. Yes, I admit it; I am addicted to the thing. Of course, I am also a gadget guy. Currently, the 7290 is my Blackberry of choice, and I purchased the hardware about 2 years ago. Most of my colleagues at work use the 8700G from Cingular which is the next generation Blackberry platform. My contract with Cingular has expired and so at some point, I will want to upgrade to a new phone.

This brings up the big question of where to go. One phone of interest is the Cingular 8525 which is a very full features Windows Mobile phone, but it has this weird slide out keyboard which would not be conducive to one-handed use. I really like what RIM has done with the Blackberry and wonder if the Windows phone would be as intuitive to use. The other option is the Cingular Blackjack which is more similar to the Blackberry.

One thing that looks intriguing is the buzz about the next Blackberry, the 8800. It supposably will be released in April. Here are some highlights of the phone; of course, it is unclear if these are the real specs.

In the end one of the big questions is whether to go with a RIM or Windows Mobile solution. Our company has BES and so that might work a bit better, but some of my colleagues have an okay experience with Windows Mobile so that could work as well. Hmmmmm… Fortunately, I have ample time and so for now, I will keep pondering.

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