NCAA Finals

Well, I watched the NCAA final last night and was sorely disappointed. Not just because I lost in my pool, but in the game as a whole. (I was leading my pool and would have won if Georgia Tech had won the tourney.) It was amazing how terrible GT played those. Those guys could not hit the side of a barn; every single player on the team was ice cold. What they needed was a seasoned veteran or at least someone to step up and make plays. As it stood, the game was a travesty with U Conn. looking like a team of Superman and GT looking like a team of losers with nary a glint of talent.

This is not the GT team that we had seen in earlier games. Those guys were good and consistent. So in the end the game was a disappointment because you could have turned it off after the first half and not missed a thing. Yes, GT did cut the lead in the second, but it was only because UConn stopped playing real hoops and instead played a game of keep away to run the clock.

Here is hoping that next year’s game is more interesting.

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