George posted about the new version of MT-Blacklist. I have experienced people posting spam to my blog. It is the usual routine where the message says “great site, check out this link for another great site.” I find it distasteful and annoying so I manually delete these comments.
I checked out the automated blacklist tool recently and was a bit concerned about it. If you check out the compatibilty list here you find that it is not compatible with “mod_perl.” I am assuming they are referring to the pearl module used with Apache. (Though I could be wrong.) If this is the case, then I am out of luck since I am running the Perl module. I am thinking about installing it anyway to test it, but am just a bit nervous because I do not want to spend a bunch of time trying to reverse this if it screws something up with either MT or Apache.
Does anyone have any idea about this?
My site (or even better, the support email address in the docs you pointed to) probably would have been a better
place to ask this, but I stumbled across it anyway.
It won’t break anything if you have mod_perl installed. It just simply won’t work. You can uninstall go about your
day happily if it doesn’t work.
I have to admit i’m only using version 1.5, but there is no apparent problem turning it on and off.
I still wish it worked with mod_perl. You’d think there are enough people wanting it, and enough people knowning
mod_perl that something might be done.