General thoughts about the ALCS

I have been pondering the ALCS series a bit and in particular the match up between the Sox and the Yankees. I think that the Yankees have the better bullpen and in these types of games that can make all of the difference. In fact, in my opinion, the better bullpen mean that they are at an advantage. However, I am not sure that is as important in this series.

Players on both teams play extremely hard and want to win games. That said, there is still a certainm edge that can come from heart and teamwork. A classic example of this was the 2001 – 2002 Patriots. Were they the most talented team in the league? Not by a long shot, but they won the Superbowl anyway primarily because of their teamwork and their heart. I am thinking that we might see a similar situation here. WHile the Sox bullpen may be weaker, this hopefully will be overcome by teamwork and heart. Afterall, the ALDS was a perfect example of Red Sox heart came through and enabled them to win.

Kudos to the Sox for making it this far.

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